You are the best community ... but most of them are Fasiqin
Muslims are the best of nations; the Holy Prophet-SW is the best amongst the Messengers-AS and the Quran is the most superior amongst the Divine Books. They are the people who enjoy a connection with the Holy Prophet-SW and because of the Barakah of this connection they have been honoured with understanding of the Quran. This has led to Allah-SWT’s declaration; “I have completed My-SWT favours unto you,” so Muslims are certainly the best of people.
The “completion of favours” is such an endorsement that to determine its scope is beyond human power. To be blessed with Divine Favours itself is indeed something great, but to be able to dispense it to others generously is even greater. And you the believers are sent for the very purpose of lavishing this wealth upon mankind as you have been raised for others.
As has already been discussed in Al Baqarah, this is a balanced Ummah in terms of precepts as well as practices. It never goes to extremes in both. An unalloyed confession of the Greatness of Allah-SWT , without beating about the bush; a straightforward belief in the Prophethood and a clear cut and solid view about the Akhirah, the Day of Resurrection and all essentials of Din; all backed by historical and intellectual evidence are the hallmarks of this Ummah. Together with this there is a fine balance in worships and practices, neither burdensome, nor falling short in spiritual satisfaction. In short, the rights of Allah-SWT and of fellow human beings have been laid out with beauty and perfection and the Muslims are assigned the mission to distribute these blessings to mankind; to enjoin good and forbid evil and injustice. Allah-SWT has blessed this Ummah with Jihad to uproot transgression and tyranny and it is the duty of a Muslim to stop it. This is the reason why the cry of a girl in India jolted the deserts of Arabia, and a Muslim Army hurried to her rescue. They not only freed the Muslim prisoners but also delivered humanity from centuries old oppression without forcing their own beliefs on anyone. A non-believer may stick to disbelief but shall neither oppress anyone nor will he be oppressed and shall fully avail all his rights as a human being.
Similarly when the oppressed people called out from Persia or Rome, the servants of the Holy Prophet-SW rushed to their rescue. They cleaved the surface of the seas and entered the Dark Continent of Africa to redeem the suffering mankind. And yet the best part is that they did not impose their own ideology or their culture on any one. Whoever was inspired by the excellence of Islam and accepted it was freed from any discrimination; white or black, Western or Eastern and was entitled to enjoy all the rights as other Muslims. There is no such parallel in the history of any nation or religion. Such a benevolent army, which conquered three quarters of then known world within twenty-five years, neither plundered nor dishonoured anyone of the subdued nations, rather restored their human rights.
This is the glimpse of completion of Divine Favours and the entire credit goes to the connection with the Holy Prophet-SW. The expression “You believe in Allah-SWT ” means that the Muslims are the people who indeed tasted the essence of faith, otherwise the other nations too had faith in Allah-SWT.Unity of Allah-SWT and the Prophethood is the gateway to Islam and whoever entered Islam no matter in which era confessed the Unity of Allah-SWT and the Prophethood of Hadhrat Muhammad-SW first, followed by other essentials of Din, Why then is this Ummah honoured specifically with the Divine address; “You believe in Allah-SWT ?” The commentators assert that this Ummah enjoys the excellence of faith in Allah-SWT while faith, in substance, was held by all believing nations. A glance at the Quran clearly brings out that the preceding Ummah demanded mundane benefits for themselves such as wealth, power, kingdom, provisions etc. while the Muslim Ummah was blessed with the passionate drive to pursue Allah-SWT’s Pleasure, and always sought Him-SWT from Him-SWT . Things besides Allah-SWT never blurred their focus.
Life is based on two principles; firstly Tajwiz ‘the suggested’ and second ‘Tafwidh’, the 'entrusted'. All the preceding nations failed to go beyond the first and, therefore, always sought some material gain or the other. It was only the Muslim Ummah, which sacrificed the worldly benefits, comforts and even life in the pursuit of Allah-SWT ’s Pleasure. This noble pursuit itself is superb in its exquisiteness and originates from connection with the Holy Prophet-SW. But it is a pity that it has diminished today, and rituals are replacing the Sunnah. To mention the least, a Muslim today finds it embarrassing to adopt the appearance of his beloved Prophet-SW and pathetically believes that by wearing a Western look he will become honourable, what good can be expected of such a Muslim?
The real addressees of this Ayah were the Companions-RAU, the most exalted amongst the entire Ummah. The Holy Prophet-SW forbids using foul language for any of his-SW Companions-RAU, because anyone else spending gold equal to Mount Uhad in Allah-SWT’s Cause cannot match even five hundred grams spent by a Companion-RAU. The Holy Prophet-SW further asserts that his-SW Companions-RAU will be raised on the Day of Resurrection, as the leaders and the guiding light, for the natives of the land, where they are buried. (Tafsir-e-Mazhari). If anyone else in the Ummah attains this honour, it will be because of his adherence to the Companions-RAU. According to the author of said Tafsir the preachers and the spiritual guides of this Ummah are far more effective in attracting people to Allah-SWT as compared to the preceding nations.
Distribution Of Wilayah
He then writes on, that Caliph ‘Ali-RAU held the office of Qutb-e-Irshad and was the king of Aulia. No one from the preceding nations could attain Wilayah without his-RAU spiritual mediation. Strange as it may appear but it is absolutely true. The attributes of the Companions-RAU were revealed in the preceding Divine Books and believing in them was part of their faith, and the very path of benefiting spiritually. As per spiritual observation the Register of Wilayah of the Muslim Ummah is also placed in front of Hadhrat ‘Ali-RAU in the spiritual court of the Holy Prophet-SW and except the Owaisiah, all other Sufi Orders originate from him-RAU. Owaisiah is the only Sufi Order originating from Hadhrat Abu Bakr Siddiq-RAU and its blessings are again distributed through Hadhrat ‘Ali-RAU. In this sublime Sufi Order, the seeker is presented spiritually in the court of the Holy Prophet-SW where he takes spiritual oath of allegiance firstly with Holy Prophet-SW, then with Hadhrat Abu Bakr Siddiq-RAU and lastly with Hadhrat ‘Ali-RAU who is the gateway to Wilayah, placed at the level of Siddiqiyyat, as beyond that is the Prophethood. According to our illustrious Shaikh Maulana Allah Yar Khan-RUA, the roof of Siddiqiyyat is the courtyard of Prophethood.
Had the People of the Book also embraced Islam they would have become part of the best of Ummah like some of the fortunate ones amongst them did, such as Hadhrat ‘Abdullah bin Salam-RAU. The faith enjoyed by the Muslim Ummah is of the optimum level. It involves purging of the heart, by expelling every temporal attraction to an extent that all energy is directed to the pursuit of Allah-SWT ’s pleasure. Anyone who joined the Muslim Ummah was rewarded with this excellence of faith. Very few amongst the People of the Book availed this opportunity while the majority is still straying in disbelief for they are deprived of faith in the Holy Prophet-SW.
Allah-SWT perfected and completed His-SWT Favours on this very faith eliminating the need for any new Prophet. The Holy Prophet-SW’s declaration that there will be no apostle after him-SW has closed this chapter forever. Now if anyone claims Prophethood, he shall be an impostor whether it is Musailma or Mirza Qadiyani because with Prophet Muhammad-SW, the Divine Favours stand completed and this Ummah declared as the best amongst all.
They can do you no harm ... then they will not be helped
The Holy Prophet-SW is comforted that the People of the Book cannot bring any harm to him-SW apart from annoyance caused by their accusations. And if they exceed the limits and wage war, a humiliating defeat will be their lot and they shall not find support from anywhere. This was a great prophecy, which came true in every detail and became a witness over the authenticity of Quran and the Prophet-SW of Islam. Large tribes of Jews, from Madinah to Khyber, were defeated and ousted with disgrace. Some of them had to pay ransom while others were either killed or exiled, despite their planning to finish the Muslims, by uniting all the forces of Arabia against them in the Battle of Trench. They tried to betray the Muslims by breaching their Treaty, but Allah-SWT always disgraced them.
Stuck upon them is ignominy, wherever ... and have been transgressing
Humility has been imposed upon the Jews, no matter where they may be except that they will continue to benefit from the resources of life available even to the non-believers by virtue of being human or will survive with support from other nations. According to the author of Kashaf, this disgrace is permanent except for the above two situations. They have qualified for Allah-SWT’s Wrath and thus ignominy and baseness has been imposed on them for they denied the revelations of Allah-SWT and assassinated His-SWT Prophets-AS inspite of believing it to be wrongful.
Herein is reflected the full view of the Jewish society. Right from the time of revelation of the Quran to date they are in disgrace. So niggardly are they that inspite of being rich, they neither enjoy good food nor fine clothing and remain constantly obsessed with efforts to multiply their wealth through usury. If they have now managed to have a Jewish State, it is nothing more than a cantonment of the Western powers. If today Russia, the US and Britain cease to patronise it they cannot survive on their own. And even with their assistance they could not have survived as an independent State if only the Muslims had adhered to their roots.
It is heart breaking to see that the Urnmah assigned the task of enjoining right and forbidding wrong is itself plunging into the despicable depths of evil. The Western civilization has become its Qiblah and it is trading the priceless possession of faith with the temporary glitter of this world. This weakness of the Muslims has also facilitated the spread of the Jewish ulcer. A body with infected blood will soon be covered with sores. So this State is not the Jewish State but an embodiment of our own imprudence and sins.
Where people possess the wealth of faith, a handful of death-seeking Mujahidin have been flogging the Russian Bear for years. On the other hand, one hundred million Arabs lay persecuted by just 2.5 million Jews, every day and yell for help. This is because they prefer to enjoy their lives on the coast of Lebanon, and have forsaken the Holy Prophet-SW. The failure of the Muslim Ummah in rightfully protecting their connection with the Holy Prophet-SW has given its opponents the opportunity to flourish. So much so that even the most abased of the non-believers roars on them like a tiger. May Allah-SWT gather all Muslims on the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet-SW!
Not all of them are alike….for Allah-SWT is Aware of the pious.
The People of the Book are not all essentially the same rather there is a group amongst them who has accepted the truth, as can be seen in their conduct. Their nights are adorned with the recitation of the Quran, Salat and Sujud. They are blessed with a strong faith in Allah-SWT and in the Akhirah. They command piety, restrain others from evil, themselves practise Virtue and are truly pious.
Hindrance To Barakah
It has been thus clarified that the only hindrance to Barakah is disbelief. If this is eliminated and one is blessed with faith, each individual, according to his capacity, can attain piety and virtue. According to Tafsir-e-Kabir, Allah-SWT has endowed the honourable title of Salehin (the righteous) upon the Prophets-AS frequently in the Quran. A true follower can, according to his capacity, attain this excellence. And this is the goal recapitulated here, the indications of which are that besides obligations; these noble souls covet the voluntary worship. They shake off slumber and adopt vigilance embellishing their nights with recitation of Quran and Sujud. They are quick to do good and call others to virtue. They not only abstain from evil themselves but also strive against it. This is the quintessence of Suluk and also a mirror, looking into which one can judge where one stands. And He-SWT never ignores whoever adopts virtue.
A misconception commonly held today is that worship is labour on credit, only to be encashed in the Akhirah. This is not so. This Ayah highlights the reward in this world brought about by faith and worship; that Allah-SWT is fully aware of the virtuous people and never lets, even the most trivial good deeds, go without reward. Rather, virtuous deeds lead to perfection of faith and reformation of spiritual state in this world while earning Allah-SWT’s nearness in Akhirah.
Surely, those who disbelieve.....but it is they who wrong themselves
And those who did not believe, no matter how wealthy, influential or blessed with issues they might be, cannot escape His-SWT Grip. Nothing can rescue them from Divine Punishment. The denial of such a superb blessing as the Institution of Prophethood, despite being gifted with life and intellect, is an offence that will not only lead them straight to Hell, but will condemn the offender to abide in it forever. Whatever the non-believers spend in this world, is neither for Akhirah nor in the obedience of Allah-SWT . It is as if a field laden with crop is devastated by a stormy and chilly wind. This is indeed an outcome of their misconduct; their disbelief ruined the blooming field, which had inborn capacity for virtue. They wronged themselves by opting for disbelief, which bars the capacity to appreciate Divine Favours, for Allah-SWT the Munificent does not play unfair to anyone.
O you who believe!... Surely Allah-SWT encompasses all that they do
O believers! Do not confide in anyone save the believers, as the non-believers would never spare an opportunity to harm you. In fact, they are so aggrieved by your acceptance of Islam that they wish to inflict more and more pain on you. This is often expressed verbally while the spite in their hearts is far greater.
Allah-SWT has favoured the Muslims by exposing the evil designs of the non-believers. So act sensibly and forget whatever relationships you had in the past, for now faith and disbelief has separated you. You are now in a state that you even wish your enemies well because faith has cleansed your hearts and filled them with affection. The intensity of this love is so great that it overflows to benefit even the strangers. However, the non-believers have hearts filled with venom and harbour nothing but enmity for believers. Considering the fact that you believe in the Prophets-AS and Books, which they profess to believe, they should have respected you. On the contrary, they deny Quran and the Holy Prophet-SW so it is the believers who should have hated them. But the case here is exactly the opposite! Love flows from the heart of a believer while hatred from the heart of a non-believer.
Of these non-believers some have professed even to be Muslims in the Holy Prophet-SW’s attendance, but when they are alone they bite their fingers in rage. In other words, no non-believer can ever be a well-wisher of the Muslims no matter what good is done to him. Therefore, they must never be taken as advisors or aides, nor must they be trusted. Although the love and affection in Islam is universal, and it safeguards the rights of even the non-believers laying great emphasis on tolerance, sympathy and protection of their interests yet it draws a line in having relationship with them. To go beyond that line would be detrimental to both individual, as well as the national interests. Once Caliph ‘Umar Farooq-RAU was offered the services of a non-Muslim boy, who was an excellent scribe but he refused to employ him on the ground that he cannot hire a non-believer as a trusted aide.
Similarly all the ideological nations never trust those who disagree with their ideology, for instance, Russia and China. Anyone who does not believe in communism is not allowed even to live in peace, let alone that he be given any office. In the same way, to trust the non-believer is asking for trouble. Besides, all the anti-Islam movements that are functioning under the cover of Islam are even more dangerous than the known non-believers.
The people discussed here are those who profess to be Muslims but in fact, are responsible for their downfall. So they should not be trusted under any circumstances rather should be left alone to rot in jealousy at the autonomy of Muslims and the glory of Islam. And even if they singe with fury they cannot harm the Muslims as Allah-SWT is well aware of their secret conspiracies. Allah-SWT warns the Muslims not to take them as advisors for they seek pleasure in their distress and are deeply aggrieved at their comforts, out of extreme jealousy. So always trust the Muslims, as the heart illuminated with faith shall wish well to a fellow Muslim and will be saddened by his distress. So O believers! Be patient against hardships, rather than trusting the non-believers, for if you are steadfast on Allah-SWT’s obedience; their deceit cannot harm you. However, if you willingly fall in their lap or disobey Allah-SWT , it is altogether a different matter. In short, sin does not only result in distress in the Akhirah but also brings disgrace and anxiety in this life; just as the outcome of obedience is satisfaction and peace of mind.